
“Mom, did you happen to watch the sun rise this morning? It was gorgeous!” exclaimed my twenty-something daughter as she came home one afternoon for a visit. I hadn’t watched that particular daily show, but have watched quite a few. A glance out the window in the morning, while reading the paper and having that first steaming cup of coffee, can take your breath away. How casual and effortless is the glory of creation. Continue reading

Light Your Fire

The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be ignited.  ~ Plutarch

It’s easy to get caught up in the details of our daily lives and we forget this important fact. The mind is a fire waiting to be ignited. What are you doing to ignite your fire? Many of us must admit that those same details of our daily lives prevent us from doing the things that will ignite that fire and keep it burning.

J-Term at Family of Christ provides an excellent opportunity to tend to the fire of your mind and to keep it burning bright. Continue reading

Off We Go!

Canada Geese flying overhead is a familiar sight in Minnesota. Do you know why these birds fly in V’s?

It’s all about leadership.

Flying together in a V formation reduces aerodynamic drag from the wind and helps the birds consolidate their energy so that they can fly farther than if they were flying alone. When the lead goose at the front gets tired taking the brunt of the wind for the group, the goose at the very back will fly forward to take its turn as leader. The original leader takes the position of the second goose in the formation, and takes some needed rest. The process of sharing the lead alternates between left and right, giving each goose a chance to face the front wind and also get sufficient rest before taking the lead again. Continue reading

Hold it Lightly

I had hoped to mail my Christmas cards by now. I know we’re barely into December, but I wanted to mark that huge chore off my Christmas to-do list. Of course, things didn’t go as I had planned. They rarely do. Despite my best intentions every year, I’ve dropped Christmas cards in the mail as late as December 24. I tell myself it’s the postmark that counts, not the day my friends actually receive their cards. Besides, we begin to celebrate Christmas the day after Thanksgiving, so can’t we consider it Christmas at least until January 1?

Wait. Did I just call writing on Christmas cards a “huge chore?” Yep, it looks like I did. Hmmmm…is ‘honesty’ a side effect of eating too many Christmas cookies? I’d better be careful what I say during the holidays. Continue reading