One of my favorite “reminders” lately is the acronym/phrase “THINK before you speak.” The letters of word “think”  remind me to ask myself the following questions each time I speak:

“Is it True?”

“Is it Helpful?”

“Is it Inspiring?”

“Is it Necessary?”

“Is it Kind?” Continue reading

Just a Small Request…

Ok. Someone has to figure out how to slow down time. Or stretch it. Whoever does will be a gazillionaire–and a hero to people around the world. Now, I’m not talking about stretching time every day. Nope, we need an invention that will let each of us slow down or stretch time when we want to. That’s not asking too much, is it? Let me explain… Continue reading

Say What?!

Baron Pierre de Coubertin

Since it is nearly impossible for any of us to have escaped some of the Olympic fever that’s captured the world this week, I thought I would shamelessly jump on the bandwagon and relay a couple of fun facts that I learned about recently. Such as a huge wrestling match that once took place between a Swede named Anders Ahlgren and a Fin named Ivar Bohling. The contest was so even that it went on for nine hours until being called a tie by the referee. Since no one could claim the gold medal, both wrestlers received silver. Continue reading