An Update on Foc’s Half-time Pastor Position

Most of you received a letter from church earlier this week that included our council’s invitation to a special congregational meeting on Sunday, April 6, at 10:30 AM. The sole purpose of this brief meeting is to receive the recommendation of an interview team which was appointed by the council. Then we’ll ask for your vote of approval on their recommendation to extend a call to Pastor Jeanne Aamot to serve us as our half-time associate pastor for one year.

I am certain that a few questions have come to your mind about all of this, so this blog is my chance to fill you in on a little of the process that has led to this recommendation. Continue reading

A Respite

Stpatrick_iconIn an effort to bring you a moment of prayer & meditation, we’ve added a technological twist to this week’s blog. Click on the link below for a 2.5-minute video taking you right into the prayer vigil we held at our church this past Tuesday. This video gives you a first-person view of actually being able to step in, see our prayer fountain, light a candle, and then participate in a prayer (printed below) which is an excerpt from the Gaelic poem/hymn entitled “St. Patrick’s Breastplate.” Continue reading