The sky is falling! The sky is…wait…

end timesIf you’re reading this blog, I guess the world didn’t end. An early Christmas gift! As you know, there was a bit of hub-bub about the world ending. Supposedly, an ancient Mayan calendar predicted it would end on December 21, 2012. Never mind that even people of Mayan descent pointed out how some of their other calendars have come to an end before. The general idea was simply that a new era would start the cycle over. So the Mayan descendants themselves weren’t running around shouting that the end of the world was nigh. Still, others were, and if you type ‘Mayan Calendar Doomsday’ in your search engine you’ll get about 2.5 million hits. Continue reading

Missing the Mark … Hitting the Heart

archerA teenage neighbor boy, who likes to shoot arrows at a hay bale target in his back yard, misfired a few months ago. His arrow ricocheted off the street and zoomed up to hit our house just above the front door. We were all, thankfully, not at home at the time, otherwise we might have thought we were being assaulted by 15th Century French archers at Agincourt. Should have closed the drawbridge over our moat – except, wait, we don’t have a moat! The boy came over with a ladder, climbed up, and yanked the arrow out — snapping out a triangular piece of corner siding. So there is a two-inch chunk that is missing from our siding about nine feet up. I haven’t quite known how to repair the hole, which the kid’s parents have agreed to pay for, of course. Continue reading