A Poem to Lift Our Spirits

snowy chanWhew! What a challenging week this has been. The horrific bombings in Boston have shaken that city, but also shaken our whole country. Blood-stained sidewalks and missing limbs, stunned runners and heroic responders, and now today a frightening chase to apprehend offenders. (Yet thank you, Bostonians, for the grit and fortitude you’ve shown in the face of violence, chaos and fear. The full-throated rendition of the national anthem at the hockey game stirred us all to want to stand and sing along.) News then reached us of the awful explosion in Texas, Continue reading

Of the Peeps, By the Peeps, & for My Peeps!

life_of_peepWell, Peeps, have you just about had it with this April snow?!?

I don’t think I have a single thing to add to the discussion of the Winter That Never Ends – of snow depths and the morning commute, of the number of calls to the state police from motorists stuck in ditches on Thursday, of how glad we should be that we are getting the much-needed moisture (c’mon, Paul Douglas), of postponed softball practices and soccer tournaments. Ugh. Continue reading

How does Pr Josh know so much about ‘psycho killers’…?!

trivia-questions-and-answersMy college son and I were at Buffalo Wild Wings not long ago sharing a fun lunch & playing a trivia game that is really fun and challenging to play while you nosh on your tasty meal. You have a list of multiple -choice answers presented to you on a hand held electronic device, covering a wide variety of questions, and you get more points the quicker you respond. Well, my son had defeated me in the first round, which was a huge embarrassment to me, as I rather hold myself up to be a whiz when it comes to trivia. That’s right, you heard me! But he had taken me out in round one. Now I was making my comeback in round two, and I had him on the ropes. The question came: which group had a hit with the song “Psycho Killer” in the 70s? Continue reading