Unanswered Prayers

When I was a senior in high school I had a plan: I was going to attend The University of the Arts in Philadelphia, PA, so they could teach me how to be a rock star. My mother and I flew out to Philly for the audition, and I waited patiently for my acceptance letter. About one month later it arrived: the key to my future! I ripped open my acceptance letter and fell to the ground in utter shock and sadness, for my acceptance was actually rejection. I had never dreamt that I wouldn’t get into this school. I had prayed about it over and over and thought God had my back. How could I possibly not be accepted? My world, at 17 years old, was crushed.

Days went by and my heart was still on the floor. I remember going for a drive and sobbing (for the record it’s probably not the best idea to be hysterically crying and driving at the same time). With tears rolling down my face, I yelled to God in despair, “Why, Lord? I don’t get it! What am I supposed to do now?” Finally, I surrendered to Him. If I remember correctly, I got a little smarty pants with Him and said something like, “Fine…You don’t want me in Philadelphia? Then YOU show me what to do with my life.” And He did just that.

I ended up attending Music Tech in Minneapolis. The first day at that school, I met an instructor who changed my life forever. He took me under his wing and allowed me to soar. I went on to meet other instructors, mentors, and friends who shaped who I am today. I was blessed with opportunity after opportunity that allowed me to grow as an artist and musician. After recently moving to Nashville for a stint of time and realizing how hard leaving your friends and family can be, I understood that at the ripe age of 18 years old I would have been miserable being half-way across the country. Today, I absolutely, whole-heartedly love my life. The Lord has blessed me beyond belief and for that, I am so very grateful.

This reminds me of the song Garth Brooks recorded in 1990 titled “Unanswered Prayers.” The chorus goes something like this:

“Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers
Remember when you’re talkin’ to the man upstairs
That just because he doesn’t answer doesn’t mean he don’t care
Some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.”

Take a moment to look back upon your life and review some of your greatest disappointments. Notice how the disappointments shaped your life. Sometimes God doesn’t answer our prayers for our benefit. When life goes awry, give God the benefit of the doubt. He loves you. He’s taking care of you. Maybe it’s not an unanswered prayer but one of life’s mysterious curve balls….I challenge you to see how God can take the misfortunes and turn them into good to make us better disciples for Him.

In hindsight, I’m beyond grateful for never attending that school in Philadelphia. Life turned out just the way it was meant to be. Thank you, Lord, for my unanswered prayer.

~ Andrea Jeitz, Interim Director of Worship & Music

2 comments on “Unanswered Prayers

  1. Beautiful and wonderful. Thanks for sharing. God Listens and helps direct us where we should go!

  2. […] Andrea Jeitz tackled this topic at the Family of Christ Blog too….check it out: Unanswered Prayers […]

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